The Namaste...
NAMASTE. The Divine in Me Honors the Divine in You. May the Light in You Shine Upon the Light in Me. Namaste to the Journey, and to the Mystery that Guides Us. Namaste to this moment. Namaste to both Heaven and the Earth. Thank You Father God and Mother Goddess for the Beauty of Creation. Namaste to the Magic of Life.
Namaste to the Ageless Wisdom that Still Exists Today. Namaste to All of Our Great Teachers & Healers. And, Thank You to Each and Every Person Who Challenged Us and Inspired Us to Change, Thank You! Namaste to the Masters of Light, Who Hold a High Place for Humanity. Namaste to the Light Workers and to The Great Work of the Light. Namaste to the Dark, the Lessons of the Dark, and the Elimination of the Dark. Namaste Warriors, Namaste!
Namaste to Spirituality. Namaste to Religious Truths. Namaste to Devotion & True Worship. Namaste to Meditation & Healing. Namaste to the Seekers Who Seek. Namaste to the Initiates Who Serve. And, Namaste to the Keepers Who Protect and Defend All That is Divine.
Namaste, Lani Renee