Every Road Leads to the I AM, Who Are You?
Who Are You?
The I Am.
Have you ever wondered if there is more to You? Every spiritual journey begins with a question, and I believe if you ask yourself “who am I,” your I AM will answer. You just might need a little help in the process! For example, you may need health issues to get your attention, not recommended if you ask me. Or, maybe a relationship buried in drama has to show you who you’re not before you’re ready to empower yourself with the ability to “let go” which will then lead you to either repeat the drama in a new relationship or rather, encourage you to work on “you,” and to eventually love SELF!
I promise you, as soon as you start questioning your life, the real questions will lead you to questioning yourself. And, this is the quickest way to enlightenment! Now, I wouldn’t want you to rush the healing, or the journey… for both are essential to your spiritual awakening! I just don’t want you to waste anymore time!
Who are you? Who have you been that you are not? Who are you surrounded by that supports you in discovering who you are? Who or what acts as a distraction? Who do you wish to be? Or what? You can totally be “your mother/or father,” or what you think someone else needs you to be, but why would you miss being You?
Trust me, and have a little faith in yourself. I’ve spent most of my life trying to heal what wasn’t mine to heal, but because those significant people in my life didn’t heal, they couldn’t help me BE ME! What a complete waste of time… or not! Not, if you let my journey inspire your journey! There is a part of each of us, and that part, or “I AM,” is amazingly powerful, all knowing, all healing, and all loving! So if anything… make it all about YOU!